Balanced nutritious food Food is a need that is essential for life because of food people get power source or the power to make day-to-day activities. Therefore important to consider the type and quality of food consumed, namely: * High fiber * Low fat * Contains balanced nutrition What is High Fiber Foods? Food is a high-fiber foods that contain fiber and comes from plants such as vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, and others. Why We Need Fiber? Fiber is found in food in-ganduman wheat, grains, and corn that are easy filling, so that we feel has a lot of eating when we eat less of these foods. In addition, fiber is also found in fruits and vegetables that make the body teratrur defecate and can help lower the risk of heart disease because of slow absorption of fat and cholesterol from other foods. Fiber consists of two types, both important for the health body, namely: * Fiber soluble in many nuts, fruits, and grains such as wheat and rice. Fiber is what is called the type of auxiliary heart because it was found that can help lower cholesterol level. Referred to as soluble fiber dissolves in water and form a gel. In theory, because the fat is dissolved, he formed a gel material such as binding of fat and cholesterol and allow it be merged by intestine, so that if the material is not absorbed, it will be issued along with the dirt. * Instead, it is not soluble fiber, found in vegetables, cereals, and wheat-ganduman, does not form a gel. Main benefit is to make our regular stool. Although less effective in menghidari absorption lemakdan cholesterol in the blood flow, fiber is useful to increase the mass and speed of travel-bahn in the intestine. If we want to set the pattern of good eating aaupun to start berdiet then we must apply a high-fiber eating patterns consume the grains, wheat, and should become the base diet, with the course between 6 to 11 portions per day: * One portion of a dish is slices of bread (if bread is calculated setangkap two dish), half cup of rice or pasta. to get more fiber and nutrients better, choose the full corn or rice (which means the skin is not removed arinya), rice meras much better instead of white, wheat bread full of white wheat bread. Bulgur (red beans) and cereals also pilhan good. * Vegetables should be of three to five portions / dish each day, with the size of a portion equal to one bowl of fresh vegetables or half a cup cooked. Vegetables should be eaten fresh or steamed, boiled likely because if melarutkan vitamins and minerals. The color (green, yellow, and orange) the more the nutrient za as carrots, green lettuce, long beans. * Fruit should be eaten four hours once. Each time you eat half a bowl of sliced fruit, a glass of juice or one medium size apple. Eat a variety of fruit because it will enrich the variety of nutritional substances in the fruit, like apples, oranges, cashew, pear, papaya, and mango. Dua Belas Benefit Food filamentous 1. Diabetes help 2. Prevent constipation 3. Helps reduce body weight 4. Helps detoxification process 5. Make a well-preserved 6. Helps prevent colon cancer 7. Helps prevent breast cancer 8. Help lower cholesterol 9. Beautify skin, hair, and nails 10. Help overcome anemia 11. Prevent caecum 12. Assist the development of bacteria in the gut. What is Low Fat Food? Food that is low fat and low calorie but still masaih material for the main body of health such as protein, calcium, and others. We eat the recommended fat as possible. For example, if we consume around 2500 calories each day, the fat Feed the only allowed 69 grams or less. In fact there are different types of low-fat food that can be consumed with how to change the cooking of food that's fried or steamed to be burned only (roasted fish / fish steam, grill / sate soup or without additional cooking oil). What is well-balanced nutritious food? A wide range of food is consumed in a day of substance mengandunmg energy, builder substances, and substances in accordance with the needs of the body. Substance derived from the energy of fat and carbohydrate. Source of carbohydrates: rice, sago, maize, cassava, cassava, bread, toothless gum, pure sugar, and padanannya. Developer of protein substances. Source of animal protein: meat, fish, chicken, liver, eggs, milk, and the results olahannya. Source of vegetable protein: tempe, tahu, nuts and padanannya. Substance of the vitamins and minerals. Source of many vitamins and minerals in vegetables and fruits. Do not Get Due Nutrition balanced? In addition to poor nutrition and malnutrition, the nutrition is more a matter that often occur in people at risk on the people who do not live healthy. Nutrition is more than the consumption of food is required. Especially fat and sugar from food pure. Better nutrition can result in obesity (Obesity). Therefore, for those who have risk factors, reducing the immediate type of food: * Contains a lot of saturated fat and salt such as cassava chips, potato chips, pop corn, and other * Based oil and fat such as butter, oil, and other * Such as sugar-based syrup, slei, and other * Drink less healthy, such as coffee, tea, alcohol, and soft drink. [] Source: Buku Saku Gaya Hidup Sehat Center for Health Promotion Department of Health RI 2006 | ||