Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010

Pesona Air Terjun Haratai Loksado

Loksado merupakan tempat wisata alam yang masih perawan dengan berbagai pesonanya. Loksado adalah sebuah kecamatan yang termasuk dalam wilayah Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan dengan ibukotanya Kandangan. Daerah pegunungan yang berhawa sejuk bebas dari polusi. Masyarakat yang ramah dan alamnya juga ramah. Tempat yang sering dikunjungi di Loksado adalah AIR TERJUN HARATAI yang terdapat di dataran pegunungan yang dapat ditempuh dengan berjalan kaki kurang lebih 2,5 jam atau naik ojek kurang lebih 15 menit dari tempat parkiran loksado. Tak lengkap rasanya kalau tidak berenang di air terjun Haratai (inset gambar air terjun Harai).
Di desa Malaris yang masih termasuk wilayah kecamatan Loksado terdapat rumah adat yaitu BALAI MALARIS, berupa rumah panggung dengan ukuran sangat besar dan dihuni oleh puluhan kepala keluarga. Dibalai inilah semua aktivitas kehidupan penghuninya berlangsung, baik sebagai tempat tinggal ataupun sebagai tempat perayaan adat seperti 'Aruh Ganal' (pesta besar). Sekarang Balai Malaris ini mulai tidak terurus dan mulai rusak karena penghuninya sudah berpindah ke Balai Malaris yang baru yang dibangun oleh pemda setempat. Ada kekhawatiran lambat laun akan kehilangan situs budaya lokal jika situs-situs budaya yang sudah mengakar di masyarakat tidak dipertahankan. Suatau saat turis tidak lagi menemukan rumah adat atau balai yang beratap daun rumbia tapi rumah adat yang atapnya genteng metal, dinding papan atau beton dan berlantai keramik. Wisata tidak mengenal lagi Loksado tempat wisata alam perawan tetapi tempat wisata alam moderen. Suatau saat wisatawan akan beranggapan buat apa berwisata melihat rumah adat dengan atap genteng metal wong di tempat sendiri banyak bangunan beratap genteng metal.

Minggu, 26 April 2009

Bamboo Rafting

Bamboo Rafting (arung jeram naik lanting)

damangmalaris: LOKSADO

damangmalaris: LOKSADO
Wisata Alam Perawan di Pegunungan Meratus

Rabu, 18 Maret 2009


How is the body that desirable men women? For the men, find all your answers here. Women in general like men who look masculine with the muscles that stand out. Sixpack stomach and belly side (oblique) often become a attraction for women. Shoulder and arm down the strong, the chest area, back the wide V-shaped rise to the impression that the valiant women. Physical form of the man who is good there is a balance between the buttocks with the body parts up and down, besides the thigh and calf to be too strong by women. According to the international magazine Cosmopolitan, 4 women among 5 recognizes the biceps of the men is also a resource for women hornet. Parts of the body will be the bait for the Eve if continuously trained so that definitions become increasingly sharp.

1. Stomach Six Pack
To get a six pack, you must cut fat in the stomach with the exercise kardio such as running, jogging, swimming and cycling, in addition, it is necessary to exercise stomach muscles like Crunch, Reverse Crunch, Hanging Knee raise.

2. Under the strong arm
Every movement of trains such as the arms Hammer Curl will involve the arms down, but its focus to more movement you can try Dumbbell Curl wrist. Do with the heavy burden of the appropriate, not excessive in order to focus on muscles under the arm.

3. Buttocks proportional
Buttocks are often also the place piles of fat, you can overcome with practice kardio cut to measure body fat and muscle latih your buttocks with movement Leg press, Barbell Lunge, Dead Lift, squat.

4. The width of the back
Backbone consists of the top of the back, middle and bottom. To get back the muscular movement latihlah with Lat Pull down, Pull Up, Bent Over Row, Back Extension.

5. Shoulders of the sturdy
Including a small shoulder muscle that is easily formed, such as movement seated Barbel Press, Overhead lateral raise, lateral raise Bent Over assist the development of your shoulder muscles optimally.

6. The muscular calves
Some of the exercises involve the actual leg muscle calf muscle. Movement lying Leg Curl, Standing Calf raise, Leg Press Calf raise more focus on the development of the calf muscle.

7. Oblique sharp
Konsentrasikan exercises on the side of the stomach stretching down to the Oblique Crunch. Do with the repetition of the semampu you at each setnya.

8. The chest area
Chest muscles can be trained with the movement Bench Press (Flat, Incline, decline), Dumbbell Flye, Butterfly. Do not train chest muscle every day to give you the opportunity chest muscles relax and grow, in addition to the use that is capable of maximum load you lift with the help of a friend or instructor.

9. Biseps a large
To train a whole muscle biseps can you do Barbell Curl. To concentrate on the muscles / biceps peak you can make a movement Concentration Curl, Preacher Curl.

10. Thigh in a strong
Latih in the thigh or hamstring with squat Barbell, Leg Press, Barbell Lunge. Target angle 90 formed between the thigh and calf back with a steady movement while doing this. Do with the weight for you.

With practice your musculature, you will improve your body shape as a whole, that will make your body more robust, stronger and more comfortable to view. Therefore latihlah your muscles immediately and get your ideal woman now!

Selasa, 17 Maret 2009



Hendra Budiman
The Nutrition Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Unika Atma Jaya

Expectancy Lijk has increased dramatically in the Twentieth Century. Factors that Enhance longeviy
include regular nreals balanced, weight control. Nutrition alone even! F'ideal can not guarantee a long and lye, however nutrition can influence aging and in longevig human being by helping to prevent
diseases, Many changes that accompany ageing can impair nutrition status. Among physiological
changes, atropic gastritis interferes with nutrient digestion and absorption, and tooth loss limit food
choice. ^. 1'sycholog; cal changes, econontic changes and social changes contribute to poor, food intake.
Although sonte nutrients need special attention in the diet, supplements are not routinely recommended.
An urgeni need to learnmore about how nutient requirement dIJJer from the youngerpeople and how such
knowledge can Enhance their health.
Key words: Nutrition, Geriatric, Physiological Changes.
INTRODUCTION decades over age 70-an. Environmental factors
among others: changes in socio-economic conditions
With age bertarnbahnya expectations that occur due to enter the pension and
life, then the criteria of old age starts from the age of social isolation, living alone after a
between 60-65 years. Benchmark age spouse died. Health factors that
taken based on the fact that after a role change in nutrient status, among other
age between 60-65 years start going insidens change is increasing degeneration disease
and non-degeneration that result in the
Feed changes in food, changes
So dapatlah be understood that in ages absorpsi utilization and vitamin levels in
keloinpok is more vulnerable network, and in some cases can
against disease and disability caused by the occurrence of a particular drug that must be
organobiologlk body changes due to the drunk by the elderly because the disease
degeneratif naturally. Physiologic functions are decreasing dideritanya '.
and in line with the parameters metabolik
age will be increased with the utilization of nutrition in the elderly merit is usually
vitamine. Plus the inenurunnya napsu related to "Afluency" kemakrnuran
eating, the old age groups (elderly), and lifestyle at the age of 50 years.
With economic conditions and mernbaik
availability of a variety of dishes that
tasty, rich and nlkmat energy. Especially
Changes in nutritional status in elderly due to the source of fat, and eating occur Feed vitamine
by environmental changes and conditions that exceed the needs of the body. Circumstances
health. This change will become increasingly evident in the excess nutrients that began in the early age of 50
this year will bring in the elderly
Presented pa &: Scientific Meeting and Group Stzrdi Obesity can also be accompanied with
Larrjut Age. Faculty of Medicine Utlika Atma Jnya. the emergence of various metabolic diseases
Jakarta, 26 September 2002. such as diabetes mellitus and dislipidemia.
Maj. Krdokr. Atma Jaya. Vol. 2, No. 1. January 2003

Senin, 16 Maret 2009

Nurse Women's Men Hold genitalia, permissible?

Nurse Women's Men Hold genitalia, permissible?
Ask a woman Ulama

Warahmatullahi''Assalamu alaikum wa barakatuh.

Ustadz, I currently a student health. My question; how to brush when the ruling is not muhrim serve patients at the time?

Assalamu alaikum''Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

On the legal nature, touching the skin directly between men and women who are not mahram or not the husband himself, ruling unlawful.

Neither is accompanied with a touch of lust or not with lust. Because that was not the size of appetite or not, but sentuhannya itself. There is much proof in the word of the Prophet SAW haramnya touch this, among others:

From Ma `qil bin Yasar from the Prophet saw., He said," Surely the ditusuknya one of you with the iron hand is better than he touches the woman who does not lawful for him. " (HR Thabrani and Baihaqi)

This again reinforced the action of the Prophet SAW that are not the hands of women during the bai `at with the women. In fact it is usually marked with bai''at responsible hands.

Of asy-sya `bi that the Prophet saw. when membai `at women he brought a blanket ribbed cloth ago from Qatar, he put his hands on, saying," I do not shake hands with women. " (HR in Abu Daud al-Marasil)

She said: And whoever among women believe that the requirement to receive, the Messenger of Allah. said to him, "I have membai` atmu "- with words only - in God's hands and he certainly did not touch the hands of women in the bai` at, he does not `membai at them but with say," I have membai `atmu about it that. "

While the proposition that most pengharaman in touch of the skin between men and women who are not mahram is a close-door slander (saddudz-dzari `ah). And the reason for this may be accepted without doubt again when are lust, or because of fear of libel when it is visible marks.


However, when there is an urgent matter that can not be avoided and not ditemukanya alternative, while for the things that law can be changed as soon forbidden. This is in accordance with the principle fiqhiyah, ADH-Dharuratul Tubihul Malhdzurat. Something that could allow emergency restrictions.

But are local, temporary, partial, and only as necessary. Once the degree kedaruratannya lost, then the law keharamannya back. In accordance with the principle: ADH-dharuratu Tuqaddar bi Qadriha, emergency Something that must be measured according to the measure.

In accordance with the rule-principle, we can also see the practice in the past. At the time of Rasulullah SAW, the women needed sertanya role in the war. Because the war is something that entry in the emergency category. Women ditempatkandi parts logistics and maintenance are also victims of war. Shahabiyah berjibaku the women with the men in the war, mainly to treat people injured. They treat, treat and heal victims of the war.

In their efforts, there surely touch your skin, but this may be temporary, as is the emergency.

Even diriwayatkan that because of an emergency, Rasulullah SAW allows a man to do hijamah (bruise) on a patient woman.

In the book Fathul Qadir volume 8 page 98 mentioned a shahabat Prophet, 'Abdullah Ibn Az-Al-Zubair was renting an old woman to treat herself.

Ibn Muflih in his Adab al-asy-Syar''iyah said that when a woman is sick, but no one can except mengobatinya men, then allowed a special man to see that some auratnya. Namely that it is related denan only. And likewise applies vice versa.

Rumah Sakit Islam (i)

However, all the above is only justified in the emergency level, not a matter of routine and happens every day. As in peacetime, such as today, where Muslims are able to manage the hospital, it should immediately thought of the problems that you submit.

Should be in every hospital, at least labeled a Muslim, has been applied to the commitment to run all the rules of Islam seriously. In the future, should not only care spaces are located between separated men and women, but also including perawatnya. So the hospital is not the only Islamic name just put the word''Islamic'', but the application must also Syariat Islam ditegakkan. Rumah Sakit Islam is not a hospital belonging to the Islam, but the hospital that enforce the rules in Islamic activities.

Male patients should be treated only by doctors and male nurses. Similarly patients with a woman, should be managed by doctors and female nurses. So that no more of the problems that arise as you submit.

It is time for Islam hospitals, polyclinics, health centers and even the medical staff of the Muslims to think of this problem. Academy of Nurses should be able to accommodate the number of male students are balanced with the Percentage male patients in the hospital. So that not only is always dominated by the potential nurses are women. For the contents of the hospital was not only women, but also many male patients.

Instead, it must close the medical school student job for men who want to proceed to specialist womb. For the business fully into the womb of women rights. Is not feasible when a baby is born, the doctor always mengotak especial pudendum doctor is male. Indeed, no more women doctors in this country? Memangnya to which the women in this country? Are all work so bus conductor, guard service station, sales promotion girl?

Indeed, women must learn medicine the womb, where the ruling fardhu kifayah. That is, legal permanent fardhu until sufficient amount of the actual number of doctors that need help the womb of women doctors. During the actual number of women doctors have not been sufficient, is still required for added hold.

Wassalamu''Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh alaikum,

Minggu, 15 Maret 2009

Nutritious food for Health

Good nutrition is one of the keys to good health. This means making sure you
regularly eat foods that have a lot of vitamins and minerals in them, as
well as foods that are not high in fat.
Do I need to change what I eat?
If you answer yes to any of the following questions, you may need to talk
about nutrition with your family doctor:
* Has your family doctor talked with you about a medical problem or a risk
factor, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol?
* Did your family doctor tell you that this condition could be improved by
better nutrition?
* Do diabetes, cancer, heart disease or osteoporosis run in your family?
* Are you overweight, or have you gained weight over the years?
* Do you have questions about what kinds of foods you should eat or whether
you should take vitamins?
* Do you think that you would benefit from seeing a nutritionist? (A
nutritionist is a registered dietitian who specializes in nutrition
Won't it be hard to change my eating habits?
Probably, but even very small changes can improve your health considerably.
The key is to keep trying to eat the right foods and stay in touch with your
family doctor, to let them know how you're doing. Here are a few suggestions
to help you improve your eating habits:
* Find the strong points and weak points in your current diet. Do you eat 5
to 7 servings of fruits and vegetables every day? Do you get enough calcium?
Do you eat whole-grain, high-fiber foods regularly? If so, good! You're on
the right track. Keep it up. If not, you can learn the changes you need to
* Make small, slow changes, instead of trying to make large, fast changes.
Small changes will be easier to make and stick with.
* Keep track of your food intake by writing down what you eat and drink
every day. Use this record to help you see if you need to eat more from any
food groups, such as fruits, vegetables or dairy products.
* Think about asking for help from a family doctor or nutritionist if you
haven't already done so -- especially if you have a medical problem that
requires you to follow a special diet.
Can I trust nutrition information I get from newspapers and magazines?
Nutrition tips from different sources can sometimes conflict with each
other. You should always check with your family doctor first. Also, keep in
mind this advice:
* There is no "magic bullet" when it comes to nutrition. Short-term diets
may help you lose weight, but they are difficult to keep up and may even be
unhealthy in the long run.
* Good nutrition doesn't come in a vitamin pill. With a family doctor's
recommendation, a vitamin pill can help you get enough vitamins and
minerals, but your body benefits the most from eating healthy foods.
* Eating a variety of foods is best for your body. Learn to try new foods.
* Stories from people who have used a diet program or product, especially in
commercials and infomercials, are advertisements. Remember, regained weight
or other problems that come up after someone has completed the program are
never talked about in those ads.
What changes can I make now in my diet?
Almost everyone can benefit from cutting back on fat. If you currently eat a
lot of fat, try just one or two of the following changes, or those suggested
in our handout on healthy food choices:
* If you eat meat, eat it baked, grilled and broiled rather than fried. Take
the skin off before eating chicken. Eat fish at least once a week.
* Cut back on extra fat, such as butter or margarine on bread, sour cream on
baked potatoes, and salad dressings.
* Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables with your meals and as snacks.
* When eating away from home, watch out for "hidden" fats (such as that in
salad dressing and desserts) and larger portion sizes.
* Read the nutrition labels on foods before you buy them. If you need help
reading the labels, ask your family doctor.
* Drink no- or low-calorie beverages, such as water, unsweetened tea and
diet soda.
Balanced nutrition and regular exercise are good for your health even if
your weight never changes. So try to set goals you have a good chance of
reaching, such as making one of the small changes listed above or walking
one more day per week.

Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009


Do not realize we live the days of democracy the party elections in 2009 will arrive in Indonesia. Flag has many political parties dikibarkan of the small size to a large excess amount of hope they can win to gain a voice in this election, and even exceed the size of the berdera red and white flag of clubs death.
It is also not behind the photographs of the caleg size pasfoto up to the size baleho similar ads beauty products. Great expectations for them to win. Pertanyaanya, whether they struggle for our society with the same amount of hope they win.
Respondent is the wisdom we manyalurkan in our aspirations as a voter. Learn lunge kick the party menaunginya. Amati calegnya personal character not to buy a cat in a sack. Cats kallleee robber!

Jumat, 13 Maret 2009


In South Kalimantan Province on the Hulu Sungai Selatan regency, there is a district called Loksado. Area located at the foot pegunugan Meratus hawanya this is very cool. This area is famous as a tourism natural virgin who has not touchable modern elements. Harmonious community living peacefully gather in one traditional house-shaped stage of building a meeting of the ordinary in the big city. There are several pieces of this house and each given a name. One of them is named Central Malaris.

Damang which means the head of a group of indigenous peoples there. A damang should be able to mengayomi community dipimpinnya.

Loksado in many places tourism is good. Object that is very popular in other Loksado this is a waterfall called Haratai.
Waterfalls coming down from the top of this hill with a height of approximately 10 meters. Water from mountain springs which is very clear and cool. The tourists both foreign and local menyempatkan always come ketempat water tejun this.

There are also other parts that are not less interesting is the river of water transport equipment with the use made of bamboo commonly called Bamboo Lanting. Navigate the river water with a swift jeramnya large pile of stone car truck make the trip fun and incredible. Iar river flow will bring us to saungai amandit Kandangan that split the city and will end in a place called Palantingan.

That may sekelumit gambarana place of recreation Loksado.

Kamis, 12 Maret 2009

Enlightenment Lifestyle

I most love to read posts that can provide semangan life, so live life memotifasi this feels very menyenagkan, sexy and full of spirit. Berfalsafah that often we live like this car wheels are sometimes above and sometimes below are bi. And someone who I know, he is Mr. Effendi Tjiptadinata very diligent to write books that give the content more encouraged about how the life of the wise and prudent attitude. The note he senangi I like this:

Emotion that flows like water, is needed, without water there would not be able to survive life. Similarly without emotion, then ubahnya not live like robots.

Giving is receiving.
that does not give will not receive
What we Tabur we will tuai
if we do not sow anything, do not hope things will reap.

Hate can not be eliminated with hatred, but with love.
Dibalas hatred with hatred that will be
antagonize the more depth.

What is heard with the ears only, will soon be erased from memory.
But what is heard with the heart, then he will stay immortal.

More sentence-a sentence he wrote in the book to make all of my life vibrant. Sentence is very wise and polite good and necessary for our lives, encouraging the spirit and soul and can mencerahkan our lives.