Nurse Women's Men Hold genitalia, permissible?
Ask a woman Ulama
Warahmatullahi''Assalamu alaikum wa barakatuh.
Ustadz, I currently a student health. My question; how to brush when the ruling is not muhrim serve patients at the time?
Assalamu alaikum''Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
On the legal nature, touching the skin directly between men and women who are not mahram or not the husband himself, ruling unlawful.
Neither is accompanied with a touch of lust or not with lust. Because that was not the size of appetite or not, but sentuhannya itself. There is much proof in the word of the Prophet SAW haramnya touch this, among others:
From Ma `qil bin Yasar from the Prophet saw., He said," Surely the ditusuknya one of you with the iron hand is better than he touches the woman who does not lawful for him. " (HR Thabrani and Baihaqi)
This again reinforced the action of the Prophet SAW that are not the hands of women during the bai `at with the women. In fact it is usually marked with bai''at responsible hands.
Of asy-sya `bi that the Prophet saw. when membai `at women he brought a blanket ribbed cloth ago from Qatar, he put his hands on, saying," I do not shake hands with women. " (HR in Abu Daud al-Marasil)
She said: And whoever among women believe that the requirement to receive, the Messenger of Allah. said to him, "I have membai` atmu "- with words only - in God's hands and he certainly did not touch the hands of women in the bai` at, he does not `membai at them but with say," I have membai `atmu about it that. "
While the proposition that most pengharaman in touch of the skin between men and women who are not mahram is a close-door slander (saddudz-dzari `ah). And the reason for this may be accepted without doubt again when are lust, or because of fear of libel when it is visible marks.
However, when there is an urgent matter that can not be avoided and not ditemukanya alternative, while for the things that law can be changed as soon forbidden. This is in accordance with the principle fiqhiyah, ADH-Dharuratul Tubihul Malhdzurat. Something that could allow emergency restrictions.
But are local, temporary, partial, and only as necessary. Once the degree kedaruratannya lost, then the law keharamannya back. In accordance with the principle: ADH-dharuratu Tuqaddar bi Qadriha, emergency Something that must be measured according to the measure.
In accordance with the rule-principle, we can also see the practice in the past. At the time of Rasulullah SAW, the women needed sertanya role in the war. Because the war is something that entry in the emergency category. Women ditempatkandi parts logistics and maintenance are also victims of war. Shahabiyah berjibaku the women with the men in the war, mainly to treat people injured. They treat, treat and heal victims of the war.
In their efforts, there surely touch your skin, but this may be temporary, as is the emergency.
Even diriwayatkan that because of an emergency, Rasulullah SAW allows a man to do hijamah (bruise) on a patient woman.
In the book Fathul Qadir volume 8 page 98 mentioned a shahabat Prophet, 'Abdullah Ibn Az-Al-Zubair was renting an old woman to treat herself.
Ibn Muflih in his Adab al-asy-Syar''iyah said that when a woman is sick, but no one can except mengobatinya men, then allowed a special man to see that some auratnya. Namely that it is related denan only. And likewise applies vice versa.
Rumah Sakit Islam (i)
However, all the above is only justified in the emergency level, not a matter of routine and happens every day. As in peacetime, such as today, where Muslims are able to manage the hospital, it should immediately thought of the problems that you submit.
Should be in every hospital, at least labeled a Muslim, has been applied to the commitment to run all the rules of Islam seriously. In the future, should not only care spaces are located between separated men and women, but also including perawatnya. So the hospital is not the only Islamic name just put the word''Islamic'', but the application must also Syariat Islam ditegakkan. Rumah Sakit Islam is not a hospital belonging to the Islam, but the hospital that enforce the rules in Islamic activities.
Male patients should be treated only by doctors and male nurses. Similarly patients with a woman, should be managed by doctors and female nurses. So that no more of the problems that arise as you submit.
It is time for Islam hospitals, polyclinics, health centers and even the medical staff of the Muslims to think of this problem. Academy of Nurses should be able to accommodate the number of male students are balanced with the Percentage male patients in the hospital. So that not only is always dominated by the potential nurses are women. For the contents of the hospital was not only women, but also many male patients.
Instead, it must close the medical school student job for men who want to proceed to specialist womb. For the business fully into the womb of women rights. Is not feasible when a baby is born, the doctor always mengotak especial pudendum doctor is male. Indeed, no more women doctors in this country? Memangnya to which the women in this country? Are all work so bus conductor, guard service station, sales promotion girl?
Indeed, women must learn medicine the womb, where the ruling fardhu kifayah. That is, legal permanent fardhu until sufficient amount of the actual number of doctors that need help the womb of women doctors. During the actual number of women doctors have not been sufficient, is still required for added hold.
Wassalamu''Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh alaikum,
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