Fruits and vegetables rot before you had disantap? Perhaps the way you store less precise. While fresh fruits or vegetables as a material effect on the cuisine is the culinary delights. Here are some practical tips to store food in order to awake kesegarannya:
1. Not all fruits and vegetables will be more fresh if kept in the refrigerator. Tropical fruits and vegetables such as mango, avocado and banana should not put in the refrigerator.
2. Fruits such as apricot, peach and pear, produce natural gas that can cause other fruits and vegetables than the nearby well. Broccoli, cabbage flower, cucumber and carrot, including the susceptible. So it's fruit and vegetable store in a separate place so that does not easily decompose.
3. To keep your salad more durable stored in the refrigerator, washing order of vegetables, dried, and enter the vessel to be covered with a damp cloth.
4. To maintain freshness spices, remove the contents from the packaging, with the tissue roll kitchen that has been diperciki water, and lapisi with plastic food wrapping.
5. Do not use aluminum foil to encase the food berkadar such as high-acid tomato slices, orange or mustard greens. Aluminum foil can affect the taste fruits and vegetables are.
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