Less complete in the month if it does not eat fast dates while berbuka fast. If the fruits usually contain the energy and calories low, it is not the case with the dates. With a high carbohydrate contents, dates are a source of energy is also high. Even the highest among all other fruits. Because of that date is suitable to restore the energy after a whole day fasting. For people who eat a lot of dates at the time sahur will be fresh and hungry resistance, because the food is also rich in fiber.
Dates can disantap direct dry or fresh. Dates can also be used for a variety of dishes such as various bread products, candy, ice cream, and syrup. In Middle Eastern countries, dates are usually consumed with milk processed. Here is the actual dates of the fruit's health benefits for:
1. Contains a high potassium (100 g dried dates: 666 mg potassium) so nutritious reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease. Potassium are minerals that are important to reinforce the blood vessel, making a regular heartbeat, the muscle contraction, and stabilize blood pressure.
2. Salisilat contain the high (dry dates), the substance that is used as the raw material of aspirin (drug subtrahend / remover pain and fever). Salisilat is to prevent blood coagulation, anti inflamasi, remover, and pain. Regular low-dose aspirin (less than half the dose or the usual drink per day) able to help prevent headaches, to a heart attack and stroke.
According Nurfi Afriansyah, Staff Researcher IEC Nutrition Nutrition Puslitbang Bogor, salisilat can also affect the prostaglandin, the fatty acid groups hidroksida which stimulate smooth muscle contraction and lower blood pressure.
3. Contain carbohydrate or a sugar high. Gynecology karbohidratnya around 60% in the soft palm (which is harvested when still soft and raw) to about 70% in the dry dates (which dry out in the sun bronzed tree). 100 gr palm is able to supply 230 kcal (960 kJ) energy.
According to dr. Anwar El Multi from Egypt, palm sugar contains 70% oxygen and is not harmful for health. Most varieties contain palm sugar glucose (the type of sugar in the blood) or fruktosa (type of sugar in most fruits), oxygen is easily digested and burned by the body resulting in a high energy without the body to make it work, and make mencerna as a nutrient well.
Glass of water containing glucose, according to Dr. David Conning, Director of the British Nutrition Foundation, will be absorbed within 20 - 30 minutes. While the sugar contained in the new dates be merged in time-out 45 - 60 minutes.
4. Contains various vitamins and essential vitamin. In each 100 gr dried dates are 50 IU Vitamin A, Vitamin C 0.4 mg, 0.09 mg Tiamin; 0.10 mg Riboflavin, 2.20 mg Niasin, nikotinat acid and iron. Astringent-vitamin that works to help release energy, maintain the skin and nerve to remain healthy, and important for the function of the heart organ.
5. Contains many important minerals, like magnesium, calcium and potasium. Dates also contain hormones such potuchsin can menciutkan blood vessel in the womb, so that it can prevent the occurrence of bleeding womb.
6. Gynecology fat is low, only 0.4 g fat per 100 gr palm.
By eating only one portion of the extra potassium-rich food at least 400 mg / day the risk of fatal stroke fell ill can be derived up to 40%. The minimum 400 mg / day is filled with easy to only eat dried dates at least about 65 gr course, or equivalent with five grains dates.
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